Luyao 中文 | English

The First App on Bodhi (3rd Draft)

Raised $10M, hired 100 people, developed version 2.0, held 10 events, signed 1,000 KOLs…

No, we did none of the above. In fact, they are on my “avoid doing” list.

As the creator of Bodhi, being busy selling my child is not my job. My job is to better understand her, so that maybe, someday, more people can understand and help raise her too.

Bodhi Will Not Upgrade

There was a period I thought Bodhi might need an upgrade, though upgrading always cost a lot.

To explore what “new” Bodhi should look like, I initiated a novel development approach: developing numerous new protocols on top of Bodhi, assuming that the underlying layer had all the data and interfaces I needed, even if some didn’t really exist. This was to figure out what the underlying layer should be like.

Then, I designed 10 new protocols on Bodhi in one go, each implementing several different contract versions. These new protocols are intriguing, covering various fields and are quite foundational.

Surprisingly, for most of these protocols, the original Bodhi was sufficient, requiring no new interfaces. For the remaining two or three, with slight adjustments in design, they too worked well on the original Bodhi.

Since they all work well, it’s highly likely that Bodhi won’t need further upgrades. Let’s keep Bodhi simple and stable, and future new features can rely on peripheral or higher-level contracts.

Rethinking Upgrades

There are no “mistakes” in the world. Everything has two sides, a good side and a bad side. No purely bad things.

When we say Bodhi has a “problem” that we must fix, we need to think: what is the good side of the problem, and what is the bad side of the potential solution?

This is why Bitcoin looks the way it does. We have to understand this deeply.

Bodhi is a protocol that leads the entire industry by at least 2-3 years. Every decision we make today, someone will thank us for it in a year or two.

When we reach a certain point, Bodhi will never die, regardless of the number of its users or how much TVL it has. That’s not important at all. We have to understand this.

Now, let’s get to the first App protocol on Bodhi.

A Simple Idea

When Bodhi was released in December last year, a lot of people sent messages to me on Twitter, giving feedbacks, asking questions, or telling me what they built on Bodhi. I’m glad to receive those messages, but using me as a hub is not a very efficient way of communication.

We need a place for users and developers to talk, just like Ethereum Magicians for Ethereum, Bitcoin Talk for Bitcoin. We need our own place.

Before I put it into practice, one idea suddenly came into my mind: why not just discuss Bodhi on Bodhi? Just make a protocol, where all topics and replies are Bodhi assets, then not only do we have a forever live forum, but we also reap the benefits of Bodhi — people can vote with money. I’m happy to vote for good feedbacks or discussions with my real money.

That’s where it started.

But, again, during development, I suddenly realized: since we already built this group with all features, why not just make it a factory contract (a contract that can create other contracts) like Uniswap or Safe, then anyone can create his own group with one simple transaction.

And this protocol, we’ve named it Bodhi Space.

Bodhi Space

The whole protocol is written in only 60 lines of code. Any Solidity programmer can audit it in 10 minutes.

No protocol fees. No admin. Anyone can create a space, or visit other spaces. Anyone can post content, or buy shares of content to upvote.

You can buy not only shares of a post but also shares of a Space. Space holders will split all revenue from contents of that space. This means, every community now has its own DEX, and have all the revenue from that DEX.

We offer an easy-to-use interface for Bodhi Space, yet users have the freedom to create their own sites or apps with new features. Bodhi Space is robust; even if the main site goes down, you can still access it through Etherscan or have a programmer set up a basic version quickly. On the protocol level, it’s fully permissionless, trustless, and unstoppable.

People may find innovative ways to use it. I’m looking forward to it. This is the beauty of creating something public.

This is Bodhi Space. It may look simple, but you are already on the frontier of the entire content industry. I hope you all have fun.

Enter Bodhi Space:
